Designer x architect x anthropologist by training,
Author, curator, tech- activist & entrepreneur,
Founder : L’Africaine d’architecture,
Founder, funder, catalyst : HubCity/ WoeLab.




Les États Généraux de L’Eco
Colloque International du Franc CFA à l’Éco : Quelle monnaie pour quel développement en Afrique de l’Ouest ? (Panel de Clôture)
 Lomé, Mai 2021

“Redefining a New Cosmo-Ethics of the Inhabitation of the World”
Material Trajectories. Designing with Care – 17th Annual Conference of German Society for Design Theory & Research
Cluster of Excellence » Matters of Activity | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
(online) Mai, 2021

Les Colloques de Cerisy
Les angles morts du numérique
“Computationnalités Primitives”
Cerisy, Septembre 2020

Les Ateliers de la Pensée
Vulnérabilités écologiques, vulnérabilités symboliques (Session : “Ontologies relationnelles”)
Communication- Débat avec Felwine Sarr, Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux, . Bado Ndoye, Nadine Machikou
Dakar, Octobre 2019






“How can Chinese Eco Architecture and Togolese Innovative Communities inform each other?”
Raefer Wallis in conversation with Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou
University of Hong Kong
In the HKU Common Core taught by Cesar Jung-Harada called: “Our Response to Climate Change: Hong Kong 2100”, Course Code: CCGL9065
online, mars 2022

Comprendre l’architecture en Afrique noire : Ressources pour un néovernaculaire
CUAD Collège Universitaire d’Architecture de Dakar
Dakar, Novembre 2021

Fablab en Afrique : Innovation radicale ou exotisme technologique?
Faculté de géographie, UFR droit et sciences économiques et sociales de Tours
Tours, Novembre 2021

Transition Ecologique & architecture
Green Management School
online, Oct 2021

“3Dprinting, Future of the architecture in Africa”
Studio class ‘Global Makerspace(s) – Critical Perspectives, Positions and Practices
(in close collaboration with the MA program at Habitat Unit (International Urbanism and Design at the TU Berlin)
Udk -Université des Arts de Berlin
online, Jan 2021

“Decolonize the future? A vernacular vision of the digital society”
Virtual Colloquium “Between the New Dark Age and Tech-Utopia“
Udk -Université des Arts de Berlin -Design Research Lab –
online, Nov 2020

“#LowHighTech, Design Perspectives”
Design Dialogues/ Master in Design for Emergent Futures.
IAAC Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia – Barcelona,
online, Mai 2020

“Critical Making”
NØ SCHOOL – International Critical Design Summer School
Nevers, Juillet 2019






International Research Consortium for an Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Sahara Africa
UE H2020 ICT-2015, PROJECT 687607, 2015-2018
(With L’A/ WoeLabs)




Weizenbaum Institute Visiting Research
Research Group : Critical Maker Culture
with UDK- OpenLab, Berlin, 06. 2020 – 12. 2020.